Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Let's Talk About Sweet Potatoes!

Since Lizzie started us off with an Autumnal post, I'd like to keep the theme going.

Do you love sweet potatoes? Your answer should be a resounding YES! Sweet potatoes are wonderful. They're tasty just alone, baked in the oven (if you have the patience), delicious in pie, great as baked "fries", mashed, whipped, fried... really, I could go on forever...
Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite autumnal foods! ...along with pumpkins, of course, and honeycrisp apples (jeeze, oh man are they good! But I'll post about them later...)

Guess what I had with my salmon burger last night? Spicy sweet potato fries! And for dinner the night before? Goat cheese whipped sweet potatoes. And what I made for my friend Lisa for her birthday? Sweet potato granola bars. Are you sensing a pattern here?

Sweet potatoes are a staple food around the world from China, to Africa, to the Caribbean. They're super nutritious, versatile, and did I mention delicious?

Last Christmas, my darling mother gave me a sweet potato cookbook which has a ton of great recipes involving my favorite root vegetable. I've actually only tried a few, but this season, I'm going to make a point of sharing many of them with you. ...but not today. Today, I'm wingin' it!

How does Cinnamon Spiced Sweet Potato Chips sound? (...sorry brevity isn't really my thing.)

So let's start by cutting the 'tatoes into little chip-discs.

Put them into a sealable container with some olive oil, cinnamon, cumin, salt, pepper, ginger powder, and a sprinkle of sugar for good measure.
Now shake is up so it coats each chip evenly. Go ahead - shake it. Pretend like it's a tambourine, you know you want to!
Place them evenly on a baking sheet and put them into your preheated 400 degree oven for 25 (or more) minutes.

While they're cookin', pour yourself a big ol' glass of wine, and start preparing your other dishes (I'm making breaded chicken and sauteed spinach)
You'll want to check them about half way between and give them a little shake.
When the time is up, taste one to check for doneness. Done? Good! Let them cool a bit, adorn your plate with them and enjoy them with your chicken, spinach, and even a fancy yogurt dip!

Cinnamon Spiced Sweet Potato Chips
What you'll need:
2 Tbs. (or more) of extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ground sea salt
pepper, to taste
1 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
granulated sugar (just a sprinkle)

...oh yeah, and two large sweet potatoes, of course.


  1. You're cute. These look delicious.

  2. Oh (wo)man, these potatoes smelled so good when I made them these morning for lunch. They went really great with some Siracha.
